Norwegen N 525 Spitzbergen Bellsund - Van Mijenfjorden
Map N 525 covers the southern part of Norways northernmost archipelago Spitsbergen with Bellsund - Van Mijenfjorden.
The detailed scale is 1:100000.
As an additional map we recommend N 523 (Isfjorden).
We print the maps on customer request from the current data sets of the Norwegian Bureau of Hydrography using the print-on-demand (POD) method.
POD maps are excluded from exchange.
The official Norwegian nautical charts are not only suitable for water sports enthusiasts and anglers to navigate but are also very popular with cruise tourists.
For more information on official Norwegian nautical charts please click here
Region: | Europa, Atlantik, Norwegen |
Size: | Einzelkarte Papier |
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