Nautische Reisetipps Watteninseln Niederlande
A practical guide for recreational skippers sailing on their own keel in the Dutch Wadden Sea.
Kilimanjaro in Tanzania the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the Dutch Wadden Sea have at least two things in common - they are all UNESCO World Heritage Sites and attract visitors from near and far every year. The Wadden Islands are as beautiful as they are challenging and literature and up-to-date maps are indispensable. The author Ertay Hayit is considered a "Netherlands professional" in the water sports scene and knows the area and its special features like no other. In his books he does not use too many colourful pictures but instead provides a wealth of expert knowledge explained in an easy-to-understand way and gives newcomers to the area valuable tips for planning their trips. Experienced skippers will also find it a useful reference book for the five islands Texel Vlieland Terschelling Ameland Schiermonnikoog.
With detailed descriptions of the facilities of the individual island harbours but also practical information for water sports enthusiasts in the Wadden Sea and nautical specialities as well as on topics such as "weather report" or "nautical charts".
Another focus of the guide is on individual and places on the Dutch Wadden Islands. A bit of history is also included: "What used to happen here". And so that you can enjoy your stay on the islands you can find out "whats going on today".
With many tips for island leisure and island sports:
- Nautical tips and harbour information: Useful information on approach draught and cruising possibilities
- Practical tips on island harbours: harbour facilities and guest moorings
- Travel extra: What to know in the Dutch Wadden Sea
Our recommendation:
The cruising guide Nautical Travel Tips Wadden Islands Netherlands by Ertay Hayit is the clear recommendation for the region. As chart material we recommend the NV Atlas NL 2 Waddenzee here you get monthly updates for the chart material and digital charts as well as tide and current information are attached to the nautical chart.
Product details
Publisher: Hayit Media
Format: Paperback
Pages: 167 including 15 colour pages
Maps: 7 overview maps
Dimensions: 14.2 x 21.0 cm
Empfehlung: | Revierempfehlung Niederlande |
Language: | Deutsch |
Region: | Nordsee, Niederlande |
Size: | Buch |
Empfehlung: | Revierempfehlung Niederlande |
Language: | Deutsch |
Region: | Nordsee, Niederlande |
Size: | Buch |
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