About us - Changing with the times with NV Chart Group

Over 40 years of nautical chart competence from Eckernförde
NV Verlag is the largest German publisher of nautical charts and has specialized in the production of detailed nautical charts and high-quality navigation software for recreational boating for over 40 years. The areas covered by the nautical charts extend along the coasts of Europe through the USA to the Caribbean. Founded in Hamburg in 1979, the publishing house has grown over the years from a staff of 5 to a team of over 30 water sports enthusiasts and is now one of the largest private nautical chart producers in the world.
After the Nautische Verlag had its headquarters in Arnis on the Schlei for a long time, the premises of the family business have been located in Eckernförde's Carlshöhe since 2012. Nautical experts, cartographers, hydrographers and geographers are in constant exchange here, expanding and updating the range of charts with official data and their own surveys. On the first floor of the former barracks building is the store, where visitors can browse to their heart's content or get expert advice and purchase nautical charts and books.

Wide range of products for recreational boating
The portfolio of nautical charts for recreational shipping stretches along the coasts of Europe through the U.S. to the Caribbean and includes the areas of the Baltic Sea, North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Caribbean Islands and the U.S. East Coast. In addition to the nautical charts in paper and digital form, NV Charts publishes meticulously researched harbor handbooks - specially adapted to the requirements of sailors and motorboat drivers.
As a special service, the maps purchased come with a free access code to the digital nautical charts in the NV Charts app. The software is the ideal supplement to the paper nautical charts on all mobile devices as well as the PC or Mac. In this way, the next trip can be planned from home and shared with friends. The "SeaMe" port guide integrated into the app is the perfect platform for discovering beautiful anchorages, marinas and sights and exchanging information with other crews.

Always in the flow - family business with passion
The demand for perfection in his profession and the passion in his hobby brought the nautical engineer, sailor and enthusiastic yachtsman Hasko Scheidt together with his wife Cornelia to become active themselves at the end of the 1970s. The foundation stone for the former "Nautical Publication" was laid - a success story that continues to this day.
In 2017, HanseNautic, a traditional company for sports boat charts, yacht electronics and equipment from Hamburg, was brought on board and led to the company name of both companies in the NV Charts Group.
In 2021, Hasko Scheidt established the future of the NV Charts Group by handing over the management to his three sons Birger, Espen and Jeppe Scheidt, thus ensuring the preservation of the tradition of a family business. With many new impulses and the main focus on digitalization and digital sales channels, NV Charts Group remains steadily on course - and continues to reliably and safely ensure that its customers can also target and achieve their goals.

A passion for lighthouses
Did you know how the NV Charts logo came about?
Cornelia Scheidt has always had a passion for beacons. Of course, one had to appear in the logo of her own company! In the early 90s, extensive renovation work was carried out off the coast of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, but also deconstruction work. In the course of this, the old Freesendorfer Haken beacon in the south of the Greifswalder Bodden was also to be scrapped. However, the employees of the Waterways and Shipping Office Baltic Sea did not have the heart to do so and donated the lighthouse head and the lens to lighthouse lover Cornelia Scheidt.
So the donated lighthouse was the model for the logo. Today, the Fresnel lens is located in the premises of the NV Chart Group in Eckernförde.