Logbuch für die Charter-Yacht


Product number: 22883


Even if you charter a yacht you will need a logbook to record your sailing trip.

The charter yacht logbook is designed to meet these needs.

Similar in content to the yacht logbook this logbook also contains two pages of general information on legal regulations in charter countries a page for agreeing on a charter crew as well as two samples for the contractual limitation of liability for fellow sailors and the permission to use the yacht from the yacht owner.

Once these legal framework conditions have been clarified you can start your trip! The logbook for the charter yacht contains:

  • Sailors profile
  • plenty of space for a photo and all the technical data on the chartered yacht
  • Checklist before departure and checklist on takeover
  • Crewlist
  • Nautical trip summary
  • Place for nautical entries for a total of 37 voyage days

The extensive two-page checklist for taking over the yacht with which you can check 135 points in the categories nautical equipment deck equipment sails and rigging safety equipment engine and technology as well as cabin and galley.

On four pages each you can record your day on board: In addition to a meteorological and a nautical diary entries on sails and engine the sailing plan as well as the days route the logbook for the charter yacht contains space for a technical diary on water and fuel consumption as well as a graph each for recording air pressure and air temperature. On half a page you can also enter personal experiences.


Product Info:

Publisher: Edition Maritim
Edition: 11. Auflage 2020
ISBN: 978-3-667-109408
Pages: 176
- Hardback
- for 38 days of travel
- four pages/day
- Imitation leather with gold embossing
Size: 15.0 x 21.7 cm

Language: Deutsch
Size: Hardcover


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