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The West Coast with Trollhätte Canal and Lake Vänern South

The brittle charm of the countless archipelago islands on the west coast of Sweden captivates thousands of water sports enthusiasts every year. This cruising guide contains all the important information on this fascinating coastal landscape especially on mooring and supply options so that every sailor can discover their personal favourite spots. Guest harbours anchorages and natural harbours are described in detail and provided with colourful plans and photos and references to places of interest make for interesting shore excursions. In addition we recommend the particularly detailed nautical charts from NV Charts which thanks to our own surveys in the region show numerous large stones that we miss in the nautical charts of other manufacturers. With this combination nothing more stands in the way of the perfect holiday in Sweden!

The following areas are described:

- Öresund from Falsterbo and Malmö
- Coast from Helsingborg to Gothenburg
- Trollhättekanal and Lake Vänern
- Coast and fjords from Tjörn to Halden in Norway


With this competent companion on board the Sweden trip is sure to succeed!

Product details

Edition: 6th. revised and expanded edition 2017
Publisher: Delius Klasing
Authors: Gerti & Harm Claußen
Format: Softcover with flaps
ISBN: 978-3-667-10953-8
Pages: 326
Dimensions: 166 x 240 mm
Other: approx. 230 coloured plans

Properties "Törnführer Schweden 1"
Author: Gerti & Harm Claußen
Language: Deutsch
Region: Ostsee, Schweden, Kattegat
Size: Softcover
Properties "Törnführer Schweden 1"
Author: Gerti & Harm Claußen
Language: Deutsch
Region: Ostsee, Schweden, Kattegat
Size: Softcover

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